Governance & Leadership
RoCK’s main governing body is the Board of Directors, which overlooks internal operations, while the Assembly makes decision on RoCK’s strategy and direction.
Our active members
Active members are LGBT+ individuals who volunteer their time and energy to do core work, especially communicating with members in their area and nearby provinces. See our active member criteria here . Currently, RoCK has 19 active members in 14 provinces.
Our members
As of January 2020, RoCK has records of 1298 members who are Cambodian LGBTQ individuals who understand RoCK’s vision, values, and work, and are willing to join the cause. From 2019 onward, RoCK membership criteria has been created through consultation with existing members. To become a member, please contact the RoCK team directly. Learn more about RoCK membership.
Board of Directors

Chhunsin HEANG (Mey)
Community Organising Assistant

Legal Advocacy Advisor

Sophea PHO
Media and Communication officer

ChanDaly TEM
Finance and Admin Senior Officer

Samdy KOEM
Community organising coordinator

Pisey LY
RoCK's Coordinator

Rachna KOSAL
Finance and Admin Team Leader

Pisey SIN
Finance Advisor

Sreytoch MIL
Community organizing coordinator

Organising Team Leader

Sokdom CHEY
Advocacy Team Leader

Raksmey TUY
Media and Communication Coordinator