Rainbow Community Kampuchea (RoCK) has the vision to see Cambodia in which LGBTIQ citizens can feel happy to be who they are and live happy lives by having their rights protected and receiving full and equal respect and acceptance from all sectors of society, most especially families, communities, and authorities.
Pride & IDAHOTB – the International Day Against Homobia, Transphobia and Biphobia is one of the annual events RoCK celebrates in May every year since 2009 in which LGBT+ members from 25 provinces and city gathered in Phnom Penh for a week-long event, in which hundreds of members from 25 provinces and city joined. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis this year 2021, RoCK celebrated Pride & IDAHOTB virtually, from 14th to 30 May, with the theme #WarmShelter. (Pride & IDAHOTB celebration in 2018: https://youtu.be/ddBtjvEMvcM?t=8)
We use Pride & IDAHOTB occasion to continue to discuss, share experiences, and participate in proactive actions with LGBT community members, the general public, national government and local authorities, professionals in areas of law, health, social work, media, entrepreneurs, and scholars, etc., on building Cambodia a #WarmShelter and to achieve our vision, through our commitments and abilities, such as:
For media inquiry: https://www.facebook.com/RoCKHMERLGBT2009/ or TUY Raksmey at 077 472 452/ Email: [email protected]