Our Vision
We wish to see a Cambodia in which LGBTIQ citizens can feel happy to be who they are and live happy lives by having their rights protected and receiving full and equal respect and acceptance from all sectors of society, most especially families, communities, and authorities.

Our Goals

- Improving the lives of LGBTIQ people in Cambodia so they feel confident to be who they are
- Ensuring that LGBTIQ peoples’ rights are recognized and respected by society and families, and that communities understand and accept LGBTIQ people
- Ensuring that LGBTIQ people have secure livelihoods by decreasing the stigma and discrimination they face and increasing solidarity and self-help in the community
Core Values
In striving to best achieve our mission and vision, RoCK adheres to the following core values and guiding principles as a staff team, board, and volunteers, as well as in our work with members and all other stakeholders:
Diversity and solidarity: Embrace differences, irrespective of sexual orientation and gender identity, cultural background, belief, age, education, physical ability, or political opinion. Stand in solidarity with other marginalised groups and commit to collective change.
Accountability and transparency: Commit to integrity and ethics. Firmly uphold RoCK’s codes of conduct and ethical principles. Be proactive, accountable for our actions and results, open, honest, and trustworthy.
Empowerment: Work with the existing strength of the people. Facilitate environments where people can speak, take action, and drive change by themselves. Commit to long-term independence and resilience of the community.
Adaptability & Creativity: Remain positive and receptive to change. Adapt to and deal with new circumstances. Seek creativity and unconventional approaches of working. Think and act out of the box. Commit to continuous learning.
Communication: Attentively listen to others for understanding. Communicate clearly and effectively. Promote two-way communication and ensure messages are understood.
Activism: Keep volunteerism and strong personal commitment at the forefront of how we work in a self-reliant approach. Facilitate independent activists to feel confident and empowered to take action with the support of RoCK, rather than solely relying on RoCK.
Our History

RoCK’s story started back in 2009, when the first LGBT Pride Week Committee met and, with funding support from a wide range of LGBTQ friends sending donations from across the world (India, Thailand, France, Australia, USA, Ireland, and the British Embassy in Phnom Penh), LGBT Pride Week was celebrated. As a result, Rainbow Community Kampuchea was formed as a core group, who at that time were volunteers. In 2014, RoCK became the first LGBT NGO registered with the Ministry of Interior.
In 2018, we celebrated our 10-year anniversary and held the first General Assembly, with the participation of 65 active members from 15 provinces and supporters such as government officials, local authorities, and representatives from the private sector.