Memory of Bun Pka Samaki at Kampong Thom Province

Bon Phka Samaki passed, but hundreds of memories, solidarity, love and warmth still in our heart.
Enjoy the video of the organizers team reflect and reminisce the meaningful event .
What make a wonderul memory to us?

As young people to experience organize a traditional event collaborate with elderly. Learning from the experience although it’s tough.
The sharing of blanket and pillow when we did not have enough for everyone.
The challenge and exhaustion, yet we felt the inner strength seeing the smile of everyone, and the jokes
we made together.
The heart touching moment when the elder couples signed their love contracts together while their villagers were there to witness their one in a lifetime moment.
Looking back, we would do it again because we know its meaning to our community and ourselves.

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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